Avocados are a power – packed super food! Not only is this fruit super high in monounsaturated fat, but also chock full of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and antioxidants
The healthy fats and other nutrition you get from avocados help stabilize blood sugar and insulin. The healthy fat content in avocados makes you feel full longer and takes away junk food cravings. And that equals a leaner, healthier body. Avocados contain plenty of oleic acid, the monounsaturated fat in olive oil that helps lower cholesterol.
Avocados are also a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and electrolytes. Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.
One cup of avocado has about a quarter of your required daily amount of folate, or folic acid, a B vitamin that plays an essential role in making new cells by helping to produce healthy DNA and RNA. One study showed that individuals who consume folate-rich diets have a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who do not consume as much of this vital nutrient.
Avocados are also a very concentrated dietary source of the carotenoid, lutein which is good for eye health. It also contains measurable amounts of related carotenoids, zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, plus significant quantities of vitamin E, all significant cancer-fighting ingredients.
My favorite lunch or snack is an avocado sliced in half with Sriracha sauce and some canned albacore tuna.